Unclog The Bathtub Drain With The Use Of Vinegar And Baking Soda

Even though the technique of mixing vinegar with baking soda and then pouring hot water in the drain seemed to be a bit old-style, but still, it is still highly recommended. The product is less harmless to a drainage system than with the other chemical compounds, these products also proven to be efficient in lots of situations, from the unclogging drains up to remove the red wine stains.

The gears you will need are:

  • Vinegar and Baking soda
  • Gloves and Screwdriver

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Clean and then remove the strainer and the stopper

Keeping the strainer and stopper clean is really a must if you plan to unblock the bathtub with the use of vinegar and baking soda. Same as in the previous methods, remove a strainer or a stopper. Wipe a waste material by using the paper towels or the wash clothes and then proceed with the cleaning of the drain.

2. Pour some hot water in the drain

Heat some water and then run it by the drain. Begin pouring it gradually so you will not burn yourself. Chances will be, it might either not clog the pipe or you will not anymore need to use vinegar and baking soda at all. Run to some water in your bathtub to just check if it will drain normally. If it is not, then go on with your next step.

3. Add the vinegar and the baking soda and the vinegar

Mix half of a cup of the baking soda with the cup of vinegar, then, pour the mixture into the drain. 

4. Wait for some time and then pour the hot water one more time

Set the timer for about 20 minutes while you’re boiling the water. When it's time come, pour the hot water in the drain one more time. The boiling water and the mix of vinegar and baking soda will cause the chemical reaction that will clear any blockages. Then run some hot water to check when a procedure has been successful and then repeat this procedure again if needed. Is the bathtub still blocked? It is time to apply the chemical drain cleaner to unclog the bathtub.

How to use the plunger in the bathtub?

When using the drain claw didn’t unclog a tub, then the plunger would help you take out the blockages. To use this method, you have to be aware about how to use the plunger and what are the steps to follow.

The tools you will need are a screwdriver, duct tape and a plunger.

If the bathtub is not draining properly even though you had tried all the methods described here, then you will definitely need the plumber to assist you out. At times, the clog is even much further down a drain and in spite of the system that you wanted to use to repair it on your personal, calling the reliable plumber around Sydney, Australia is still the best choice that you can make.
